Christmas is here,And that means that I got presents. Alas, I shall wait to tell you about them, and when I do I will ignore all but my most favorite.. so far. For now you shall have to listen to my description of my morning in script format.
Christmas is there,
Christmas Time is Everywhere,
Young teenage boy, STEPHEN, is sleeping in his bed to the left of the door against the left wall. Older teenage boy, JOEL, is sleeping in his bed to the left of the door against the left/back wall. Young girl, HANNAH, sleeping on the floor to the right because of family-that-doesn't-usually-live-here overflow.
Two parents, MOM and DAD, enter room and walk over to Hannah who is just waking up.
Hey Hannah,
Did you sleep well?
Yeah... It's Christmas!
Yes it is!
MOM [To dad]:
Hey Hannah,
Did you sleep well?
Yeah... It's Christmas!
Yes it is!
MOM [To dad]:
I still have a few presents to wrap.
Should I wrap them now before everyone
gets up? Or should we just wait until we
get together with our extended family
(Goes off talking about the situation
for a few minutes)
(Sleepily) Do you actually have to have
this conversation somewhere where it
will keep me awake?
(Sarcastically) Yes, actually..
They leave, Joel goes back to sleep. Hannah follows them downstairs.
Well... That was more or less my morning. Then I went downstairs about an hour later, we hung out, passed out stockings, opened presents in our own fashion which I shall not go into detail about here.
My favorite present that I got was from Jared and April, "The Tea Companion", or "The Guide for Becoming the Ultimate Tea-Snob" as I like to call it. It's pretty much awesome, and I highly recommend it to anyone who wishes to enjoy their tea-life a little more than they do. It talks about more than just the taste of tea, but everything from history of tea to the time of day to drink certain kinds.
Should I wrap them now before everyone
gets up? Or should we just wait until we
get together with our extended family
(Goes off talking about the situation
for a few minutes)
(Sleepily) Do you actually have to have
this conversation somewhere where it
will keep me awake?
(Sarcastically) Yes, actually..
They leave, Joel goes back to sleep. Hannah follows them downstairs.
Well... That was more or less my morning. Then I went downstairs about an hour later, we hung out, passed out stockings, opened presents in our own fashion which I shall not go into detail about here.