I live at the end of a half-mile long road, and most of this is on our property. When I was fourteen years old, I had an interest in driving. I wanted to learn early so that when I became old enough to get my license, I would already be both a pleasant driver, one who goes with traffic without causing road rage, and a safe one, who follows the limits in an orderly fashion.My father was always rather busy, and my mother had an adverse reaction to the thought of teaching her fifth child (third son) to drive. I quickly employed the help of my eldest brother. He would sometimes stay with us for a couple weeks on his college vacation. Whenever I thought about it, I would beg him to take me driving down our road, which he was inclined to do as he greatly enjoyed teaching people new things.
On my first trip he taught me what to check before turning the key: make sure I was buckled and that everyone else in the vehicle was also. Check the seat, mirror, gas, etc. I turned the key and the car roared to life; I was very surprised how easy it was to start a vehicle. I put my foot on the brake, shifted to reverse, and started to roll backwards. Once I aligned myself with the road I stopped the car with the brake and shifted to drive. I gingerly pressed my foot to the gas pedal—nothing happened.
“You need to put a little more pressure on the gas,” my older brother instructed.
“Alright,” I stated, as I over calculated the pressure needed. The car lurched forward and I jumped, jamming both my feet to the brake pedal. My brother chuckled, and my face flushed red with embarrassment. I do hate the thought of screwing up.
“It's not that big of a deal,” my brother told me. “Put more of your foot on the pedal. You'll get better control that way.” I did so, and slowly the car rolled down the hill that our house rests upon, down the road at about two miles per hour.
The rest of the trip was uneventful excepting the twenty-seven point turn I did to turn the car around when we reached the end of our property, but I will never forget the first time I felt that giddy and important feeling I get when I am entrusted with such a responsibility.
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