Let us start with "Lemon Lift"

Steeping Time: 00.02.30
Steeping Heat: Reg. Boiling
Additives: 2 Teaspoons of sugar
Initial Taste = 8.0
After-Taste = 8.5
Aroma = 8.0
Originality = 7.5
Taste Throughout = 7.5
Average = 7.9
Initial Taste: This is a very expected but interesting blend of black tea with lemon flavor. It tastes like black tea which someone dissolved a couple of those Ye Olde Fashioned hard lemon drops in. It also does not seem to include "Lemon Grass" as a flavoring as I have not yet had breathing difficulty. (I am allergic)
After-Taste = Same flavor. Was not bitter.
Aroma = It didn't smell exactly like the taste. But the funny thing is it smelled like I was sniffing one of those bags of old fashioned hard candies, which does not taste exactly like the candy, but has a bit of a powdery smell to it.
Originality = The lemon addition was a very nice touch, though not all that original. But they carried it off nicely so it gets .5 above average.
Taste Throughout = It is never bitter to the last of the cup, which earns it above average; But there is a strange texture to the tea which seems to coat your mouth with an undesirable film.
Other Notes: Could have been steeped 30 seconds to a minute longer.
Bottom Line: A good black tea with a bold, although not strong, overall flavor. Recommended in the early afternoon, and not before bed as it slightly coats your mouth. I look forward to having this again.
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