Saturday, January 9, 2010

Stash - Peppermint Herbal Tea

I'm sick. And therefore...

This is the latest tea that I shall be reviewing: Stash's Peppermint Herbal Tea.

Water Type: Hard Tap (Lots of Minerals)
Steeping Time: Still in (10+ Minutes)
Steeping Heat: Reg. Boiling - Scalding
Additives: Nothing.. the tea bag is still in, if incredibly overused, bitter tea leaves count as additives..

Initial Taste = ?.?
After-Taste = ?.?
Aroma = 8.5
Originality = 5.0
Taste Throughout = ?.?

Average = 6.75

Initial Taste = I actually have not tasted this. I'm only using it to huff so it can clear my sinuses out.

After-Taste = Huffing, not stuffing.

Aroma = Smells like peppermint herbal tea.. legit. Exactly what you would expect.

Originality = Common, it's peppermint. herbal. tea. Original is about as far removed from this as Santa's belt buckle is from his butt.

Taste Throughout = Still just for huffing.

This tea gets a B+ for giving me something to write about while clearing my sinuses and making it easier to get to sleep (when I try again) at the same time.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Top Ten Things To Hate About Team Fortress 2

Top Ten Things To Hate About Team Fortress 2:

Team Fortress 2 is a great game. I'm sure most of us who have played more than ten minutes will agree. However, if someone tells me they hate the game I find that completely understandable because there are several things about Team Fortress 2 that will make you despise the game if you encounter too many of them during your first time playing. Here are the Top 10 I could think of:

  • 10. If you capture the first cap point and cannot capture the second within the same minute, half the defending team just goes engineer and spams sentry guns until the time runs out.
  • 9. Pyro spam (Unless I'm the one doing it. ;p).
  • 8. "Performance Regression"... seriously, VALVe?
  • 7. People who name themselves stupid names, or have stupid avatars that make you want to punch someone's face when they kill you.
  • 6. People who join a server and screw around because they're legit trying to be obnoxious.
  • 5. When a Pyro camps at your spawn point and kills everyone as they spawn.
  • 4. When your stupid team cannot work together and just kill that Pyro because IT ISN'T THAT HARD if you play right!
  • 3. Arena Maps
  • 2. More than two scouts on a single team (This includes engineers playing like scouts!).
  • 1. People who play like the game is called "Solo Fortress 2" not "TEAM Fortress 2"!
There are many other obnoxious things about this game, these are the ones that I run into most often/find most annoying.